Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

Vote for the Indoor Plant of the year 2011

In every country in the world, people are growing indoor plants to decorate their rooms, to increase the freshness of the air or whatever. However, there are only very few indoor plant competitions between families. Even less, indoor plants are paid attention to when people look across the borders. But the indoor green is such a rich global commonality. It is unbelievable how much local awareness is paid to indoor greens in many different cultures of the world. And it is even less believable that there is not yet a European or global indoor plant competition in place. Or it might also be that the competitions for the indoor plant of the year are very well hidden.
This is changing now. In Germany, there is a new competition that has gone online. At the German site Zimmerpflanzen it is possible for you to vote for "your" Indoor Plant of the year 2011. If you want to participate, it is fairly easy to visit Zimmerpflanzen and to leave a comment with your most favorite plant and with a very brief explanation why you think "your" plant deserves to be the plant of the year 2011. You can suggest every plant which can be cultivated in a room. You can vote until December 29, 2010. 
Of course, I think that the Hawaiian Palm should be the Indoor Plant of the year simply because the Hawaiian Palm is the most rare and most beautiful plant on the planet. The palm is also the most decorative plant for a room and catches every visitors' attention. The palm is a source for intelligent and inspiring conversations about wildlife if you have new visitors coming to your home. In my point of view, the Hawaiian Palm is also an essential part of high quality interior design. It's the last kick that is missing in most interior spaces, where indoor designers strive for detailed perfection.

Do you wonder, is this all? No, the vote for the Indoor Plant of the year 2012 will start in January 2011. Good luck with your votes and have fun. 

Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

Opening of the New Hawaiian Palm Network

Do you have problems with your hawaiian plant? Do you want to exchange ideas and knowledge about the best and most innovative ways to keep your beautiful Hawaiian Palm alive....? Do you want to see at least 1000 Hawaiian Palm Flowers bloom in the future? Or are you just interested in what this Hawaiian Palm Network is all about? 

Dr Gerald Carr from website Hawaiian Native Plants at
For that purpose, I formed this new Hawaiian Palm Network here in this innovative online space to bring scientists and enthusiasts and people like you and me concerned about the future of Hawaii's threatened plant together to exchange and talk about the ways how we can keep the Hawaiian Palm alive.. Come and join me to help the global effort of the 120 expert groups of the IUCN's Species Survival Commission (SSC) to scale up the actions taken along the steep cliffs of Kaua'i to collect and grow seeds for global distribution. Successful germination of the seeds has enabled the creation of a reserve in which a large number of plants are being grown to be used in a replanting programme. The group is trying to restore the original natural balance on the islands so that the Hawaiian Palm may be able to survive. I hope to help by developing this Hawaiian Palm experience sharing process and Hawaiian Palm knowledge network to strengthen the survival process of the Hawaiian Palm and to protect the Hawaiian Palm for the future. Please join me and let us see how far we can go with our effort. Thanks and peace and a high quality of life  to all Hawaiian Palms out there.